

PolyGraphite is a french company, created in May 2000.

Trading name: PolyGraphite Sarl

Legal Form: Limited Liability Company.

Capital stock: 7 622 euros.

Registered Office: 14, rue des Arts 59000 Lille - France.

French registration: R.C.S. Lille B 431 326 701

Siret: 431 326 701 00015

Activity: The PolyGraphite company imports and markets, under its ensign Compagnie Générale de Cosmétique, Aleppo Soap and the cosmetic products which are derived of it. This products are on the website

[PolyGraphite] [Legal Informations] [Confidentiality] [E-mail C.G.C.] [© PolyGraphite 2000-2009]